周偉童,曾用名周娜。曾從業模特、演員、主持人、歌手等。 2003年進入娛樂圈,主演由唐輝導演《夏日里的春天》女主角妙歌讓很多觀眾熟知。她以其獨特的清純氣質,端莊大氣的外表為她贏得了觀眾的青睞。曾被稱為“內地版林志玲”。曾榮獲2000年第六屆中國模特之星大賽冠軍及“最受歡迎模特獎”。
Zhou Tong, formerly known as Na Zhou. Have employed models, actors, presenters, singers and so on. Into the entertainment circle in 2003, starred by Tang Hui director "Summer in the Spring " wonderful song actress known to many viewers. Her unique innocent look, the solemn atmosphere of the appearance for which she won the audience of all ages. Been referred to as "the Mainland version of Lin Chi-ling. " Has won the 2000 sixth championship in China Model Star Contest and "the most popular model award. "全站熱搜